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As of October 30th, 2022, Portugal has a new visa targeted at digital nomads. 

With this new visa, digital nomads will be allowed to stay one year in Portugal (and travel in the Schengen Area). After that, visa holders will be able to apply for residency and stay in Portugal for up to five years.

And what are the requirements? 

-» If employed, the visa application must be accompanied by documents proving tax residence and average monthly income over the last three months of at least the equivalent of four guaranteed minimum monthly salaries and by one of the following documents:
o Employment contract;
o Promise of employment contract;
o Statement from the employer proving the employment relationship.

-» If self-employed, the application must be accompanied by documents proving financial residence and average monthly income over the last three months of at least the equivalent to four guaranteed minimum monthly salaries (at the moment, 2820 euros):
o Memorandum of association;
o Service provision contract or proposal for service provision contract;
o Document demonstrating services rendered to one or more entities.

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